
食品百貨茶髮旺旺草藥-Hampstead Tea, 有機伯爵茶, 3.53 oz (100 g)

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Organic Fairtrade Earl Grey Tea

biodynamic leaf tea with bergamot

Earl Grey is named after the second Earl of Grey. We have recreated the original using an exclusive blend of biodynamic teas and the natural oil of bergamot, a citrus fruit. The result is an Earl Grey admirably suited to modern tastes: aromatic, smooth and sophisticated but never overpowering.

The tea is grown at Makaibari, the first biodynamic tea estate in the world, situated 3-4000 ft high up in the Himalayas. The estate is protected on all sides by lush virgin rainforests and is the home and livelihood to a community of 1700 people, a family of panthers and richly diverse wildlife.

Our promise to you. We believe we have some of the finest organic teas in the world. The purity and quality of our teas, and the natural harmony and well being of the estate and its people mean everything to us. All of our loose leaf teas are certified organic, biodynamic and Fairtrade.

Hampstead Tea, 有機伯爵茶, 3.53 oz (100 g)





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