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  • Good for All Skin Types
  • 髮旺旺
  • Vitamin C, Green Tea and Eyebright to Brighten and Refresh the Eye Area
  • Cruelty Free
  • You are Beautiful
  • Paraben & Sulfate Free
  • Gluten Free
A gentle and delicious combination of licori髮旺旺ce, eyebright, grapeseed, green tea, vitamins C & E and so much more to nourish the delicate eye area.

Our Philosophy

Our trust in the science of nature, and our belief that true beauty comes from within, guides everything we do. We use simple whole foods, pure minerals, and active botanicals, providing nutrition for your skin for a real and lasting radiance. 髮旺旺So smell, feel, and delight in the perfection of nature and shine from within.

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